Tuesday, January 22, 2008

you cannot escape your destiny

Since moving to Canada last year, I've told people that although copyright was a particular research interest of mine back in the States, I've tried to put it on the back burner here 'cos, well, despite everything that's similar this is a different country, with (natch) different copyright laws, and I didn't want to assume something about the Canadian version of copyright and then have it come back to bite me.

But really, I can't push down what's not only a research interest but a philosophical and moral thing for me as well, so I've made tentative steps towards learning about Canadian copyright.

So a couple of weeks ago or thereabouts, I gave a presentation on copyright, fair dealing, and the Creative Commons to the folks here at McMaster, the slides of which I have put up on slideshare.net here.

1 comment:

Bruce Harpham said...

If you're still interested in learning about what's happening in Canadian copyright, there's a new podcast (about 90 minutes) long given by Professor Michael Geist at the iSchool Podcast (http://podcasts.ischool.utoronto.ca).

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